COVID in the Kimberley: the Olabud Doogethu response

Since COVID-19 reached the Kimberley, organisations, businesses and service providers have had to operate differently. To date there have been over 200 positive cases in Halls Creek town and the surrounding Communities. Social distancing and isolating at home can look quite different for remote communities such as ours. 

We have been working hard to continue to support all of the individuals and families we provide services to, assisting with connection to other service and health-care providers where relevant, helping to arrange provisions such as food, COVID-19 test kits, cleaning products and care packages, and generally ensuring COVID safe practices while operating our Programs

Our staff are diligently temperature testing and signing in every morning and evening, testing for COVID at the first sign of symptoms, and always wearing masks and using hand sanitiser. It has not been ideal for service provision, as has been the case for so many organisations around Australia and the world, but we remain committed to our focus; designing, delivering, assisting or supporting programs that build stronger families, improve our quality of life, and champion our proud heritage.

Some of our staff and their families have been directly affected by COVID-19, having to seek medical assistance in some cases and isolating at home if returning a positive test. We commend our staff’s commitment to following COVID safe guidelines while remaining motivated to continue the good work, and return to respective roles and Programs as soon as it is safe to do so.

By working together, towards a common goal, we have remained resilient in the face of COVID-19.