The Shire of Halls Creek, together with Communities Balgo (Wirrimanu), Billiluna (Mindibungu), Mulan, Ringer Soak (Kundat Djaru) , Warmun (Turkey Creek), Yiyili, Red Hill, Mardiwah Loop, Yardgee and Nicholson Block are leading Western Australia’s first Justice Reinvestment Site, Olabud Doogethu: Smart Justice in the Heart of the Kimberley.
‘Olabud Doogethu’ is a Kriol phrase that translates as “all of us together”.
By making a commitment to diverting our mob away from the overcrowded prison system, we can invest in our future – our children. The traditional judicial system has failed us and continues to let us down. We must manage this problem ourselves. The Aboriginal way.
With our community and partners, we are implementing community-driven initiatives for early intervention. Schemes that rehabilitate our young people and families, whilst cultivating stronger bonds within the community to help all of us live happier, more fulfilled lives.
With thanks to our funding partners:
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